VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 2025

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) 2025 Information

VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance provides free income tax preparation for low-income individuals and families. Social Security cards are required for all taxpayers and dependents.  A photo ID is also required.

To make on-site appointments calls:

Gillett – Gillett Public Library, 920-855-6224, 200 E Main Street, Gillett, WI  (Tuesdays 9:30 am - 3:30 pm)

Keshena – Menominee Indian Tribe – Lending & Taxes Office, N559 Library Road, Keshena, WI, 715-799-5139 or 715-799-5141 (Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 3:30 pm or Saturdays 9:00 am - 1:00 pm)

Pulaski - Pulaski Senior Center, 430 St Augustine St, Pulaski WI 920-822-8100 (Thursdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm)

Drop Off Site Only:

Shawano – Richmond Town Hall, N5170 Co Road MM, Shawano WI. To schedule an appointment, call 715-201-9712. Pick up intake sheet forms at the Shawano County Library 128 S Sawyer Street, Shawano.

  • At the first appointment you will drop off your completed in-take forms, all supporting documents like W-2's and 1099 forms, and present social security cards and photo ID for all taxpayers and dependents.
  • At the second appointment you will get your completed tax return to review before e-filing.  Expect this process to take 1-2 weeks.

Or do it yourself with  This on-line tax preparation program is free to everyone. (No restrictions based on income, age, or geography.) You will need an email address. The site does offer a help line to answer questions.  New this year - Spanish returns available.

Shawano County Human Services will also be offering Homestead Credit Clinics. This program is for people age 60 and older who qualify for Homestead Credit, but are not required to file a WI income tax return. To make an appointment call Melissa Rosenow at 715-526-4686.

Consider volunteering

People with basic taxes often find tax filling overwhelming and need help.  VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance - prepares and e-files tax returns for individuals and families with a household income under $60,000.

Volunteers are needed to prepare basic returns.  The tax software guides you through the process.  Training is available.  Hours are flexible to work around your schedule.  Preparers are required to pass the IRS on-line test.

Don't feel ready to do returns?  Volunteer greeters are also needed.  Greeters welcome people to the tax site, assist them in filling out an intake questionnaire and help to organize the documents needed for their tax preparation.  VITA tax sites are located in Shawano, Gillett, Pulaski and Keshena.  Contact Linda Olson at 715-201-9712 to get started or for more information.