Board of Directors

Board Responsibilities:

The Shawano Area United Way Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the finances of the corporation are handled prudently and legally, approving and monitoring the annual operating budget, approving allocations and grants, ensuring compliance with tax and corporate law, and establishing and monitoring financial policies and practices. To meet these responsibilities the Board meets once a month for generally an hour at a time, volunteers at local United Way events, and helps champion our mission to improve community life by mobilizing the caring power of individuals to provide the maximum positive impact in the areas of education, income, and health.


President - Rhonda Strebel, Market Messenger, Advertising Consultant
Vice President - Jodi Anderson, Value Added Distributors           
Secretary - Elaine Krohn, First Presbyterian Church and the Snuggled with a Hug Diaper Bank Founder.
Treasurer - Linda Davis, VITA Volunteer           


Madison Priest, Berkshire Hathaway Realty, Realtor
Nancy Schultz, Zion Lutheran Church, Health and Wellness Coordinator
Deyonne Ullmer, BMO Harris
Jade Velicer, Genex, Director of Global Inventory Management

Join us!

We currently have 8 board members and can have up to 15! If you're interested in learning more about what our Board does and how you can get involved, send us an email at It's a great group to be a part of!

Real People Serving Their Real Community:

Picture is of our Board of Directors at the October 2024 Campaign Kickoff Event hosted at The Boulevard in Shawano!

Our Board at the October 2024 Campaign Kickoff Event