Local Resource Card
Below you will find a categorized list of local resources and their contact information for the Shawano Area. This Resource Card is updated quarterly to stay up to date with new service hours and contact information. PDF copies of the Resource Card can be downloaded in English or Spanish at the bottom of the page. We also recommend calling "211" to speak with someone who will help connect you with the resources you need or visiting their website at https://211wisconsin.communityos.org/.
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Una versión en español está disponible para descargar a continuación.
I need help with getting food:
- ACCESS – www.access.wi.gov 888-794-5747
- WIC – Women, Infant & Children Nutrition Program 715-526-2822
- Shawano County Meals on Wheels 715-526-4686
- Clintonville Area Food Pantry (Every Mon., 11am-1pm and Every Thurs, 3-5 pm) 143 S. Main St., Clintonville, 715 823-5461
- Divine Savior Church (Jan thru Oct 1st and Last Thurs, 1-3 pm, Nov and Dec 1st and 2nd Thurs 1-3 pm) 102 Northridge Dr., Shawano
- Flo’ing with Kindness (the 3rd Thursday of the month from noon - 2 pm and from 5-6 pm) To register call 715 851-8335, 1220 Main St. Gresham • Marion Food Pantry (1st and 3rd Thurs of the month from 3 –4 pm) 121 E Ramsdell St, Marion
- Navarino-Loaves & Fishes Ascension Lutheran Church (3rd Wed, 4 –6 pm & follow ing Sat, 9-11 am) W6106 Navarino Road, Shiocton 715-851-2104
- Pulaski (1st and 3rd Tues, 1-4 pm) 234 West Town Rd. Pulaski
- SAFPARC (Every day M-Th, 8:15—10:30 am & Wed 3:45-5:30pm) 218 E Richmond St. Shawano 715-524-5863
- Shepherd’s Watch Food Pantry (2nd & 4th Wed of each month, 3:00-6 pm, 507 Stone Ave, Mattoon 715-581-4221
- St. Anthony Church, (1st and 3rd Tues, 1-3 pm) W6797 Church St., Neopit
- St. Martin’s Parish (4th Tues, 1-3 pm) 407 Warrington St. Cecil
- St Michael's Church, (1st and 3rd Tues 12:30—3pm) N816 Hwy 47/55, Keshena
- St Paul’s Church (2nd & 4th Wed, 4-5 pm) 240 E Green Bay St Bonduel
- St Paul’s Food Pantry 201 E Wall St, Bowler 715 793-4608 1st Thursday of month 6 to 6:30 pm.
- Tigerton Food Pantry distributes the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Call 715.326.3750 each month to sign up by Saturday before. Hours and any changes will be left on phone message. Visit us on Facebook - Tigerton Food Pantry - for updates. 430 Swanke Street, Tigerton.
- Wittenberg (Third Wednesday from 5-6 pm & the Thursday following the 3rd Wednes day from 9:30-10:30 am) 704 S Webb St., Wittenberg
I need assistance with housing, rent or utilities:
- energy Services Inc. 715 526-4740 or 800 506-5596
- NEWCAP 800 242-7334
- Salvation Army 715 526-5105
- SAM25 Homeless Shelter and Resource Center 715 851-7252
- Shawano City Housing Authority 715 524-2132
- Shawano County Housing Authority 715 526-6960
- Wisconsin Rural Housing 888 400-5974
I need a cheaper telephone service plan
- SafeLink Wireless for Low Income Families 800 723-3546
I need help because I feel unsafe in my situation:
- Maehnowesekiyah Wellness Center 715 799-3835
- Menominee County Human Services 715-799-3861
- Oskeh-Waepeqtah, DV/SA Shelter 715 799-3931
- Safe Haven (text line 715 584-1258) 715 526-3421 or 888 303-3421
- Stockbridge-Munsee Domestic Violence Program 715 793-4863
I need help with my mental health:
- 24 Hour Crisis Line 888 238-3253
- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988
- Lutheran Counseling & Family Services 715 524-4840
- Menominee County Human Services 715-799-3861
- NAMI Wolf River Region 715-201-2763
- Newcap Community Health Services clinic 800 242-7334
- Oskeh-Waepeqtah, DV/SA Shelter 715 799-3931
- Safe Haven (text line 715 584-1258) 715 526-3421 or 888 303-3421
- Shawano County Human Services Emergency Crisis 715 526-3240
- Stockbridge-Munsee Family Services/ DA 715 793-4863
- Stockbridge-Munsee Behavioral Health 715 793-3000
- Majestic Wellness Center 715-201-0361
I need help with a drug or alcohol problem:
- Wisconsin Addiction Recovery Helpline 833-944-4673
- Shawano Area Recovery Resource Center 715-201-0367
I need help with speaking/reading English and to prepare for the U.S. Citizenship test:
- Shawano County Literacy Council 715 524-6506
Adult Basic Education
I need help with parenting/childcare programs:
- ACCESS—Childcare Assistance website access.wi.gov 888 794-5747
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Program 920 498-2227
- Boys and Girls Club Afterschool Program 715 851-6171
- Bridge the Gap Inc. 715 526-3791
- Family & Childcare Resource of N.E.W 920 432-8899
- Ho Chunk Nation Head Start 715 253-3826
- Menominee Indian Head Start 715 799-3384
- National Maternal Mental health Hotline 1 833 943-5746
- Parent Connection 715 853-0923
- Shawano Area Early Childhood Partnership 920 819-4666
- Shawano Head Start Program 1-800-624-4436
- Snuggled With A Hug Diaper Bank 715 526-3329
- Stockbridge-Munsee Community Head Start 715 793-4993
- STRIVE Behavioral Solutions 715 916-3889
I need help getting a ride:
- Menominee Transit 715 799-3222
- MTM, Inc. 866 907-1493
- Shawano City Cab 715 524-2000
I need help with clothing and other supplies:
- Cecil Community Closet 715 851-3080
- Compassionate Connection Center 715 460-3517
- Goodwill Vouchers from WIC, Safe Haven, SAM25 Lutheran Thrift Store 715 526-9092
- SAECP Giving Closet 920 819-4666
- SAM25 Thrift Shop 715 851-7252
- St Michael Thrift & Gift 715 799-3811
I need help managing my money or with my taxes:
- Catholic Diocese of Green Bay 877-500-3580
- Forward Service Corporation 715-524-2511
- NEWCAP 800-242-7334
- VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 715-524-8200
I need help with medical issues or billing:
- ACCESS– medical benefits website access.wi.gov 888 794-5747
- ADRC—Aging & Disability Resources 1 855 492-2372
- Emergency –Medical 911
- Newcap Community Health Services clinic 800 242-7334
- Pregnancy Resource Hotline 800 395-4357
- SAM25 Free Health Clinic 715 916-3036